My on-line portfolio and knowledge base contains my resume, links to work I have done and career interests like technology, the Internet, business, business law, human management, and Internet media
pmgrady's Articles
January 27, 2006 by pmgrady
Well? Is this how we go into WWIII or will Hamas temper itself because it now knows that using terrorism would be an act of war (becuase its not just some group, its a representative goverment power)?
February 27, 2005 by pmgrady
I never thought of making a matrix as to why I would want a job or except a job offer, but here is one. It has anything from Culture, compensation, fun, location, and positive lifestyle. Take a look. I am glad I did.
February 26, 2005 by pmgrady
Welcome As part of joeKnowledge, I have my own web folder of internet favorite links. If you wish to see them, I can invite you! As explained here this is my online knowledge base where I gather news stories related to my interests. I am also the developer for joeKnowledge and I continue to work on it as a way to help other create their own personal research/information knowledge base and to create their own resume/portfolio of works. Here is my active resume/portf...
February 26, 2005 by pmgrady
What makes it even cooler is that people from all over the world edit the material. You would think that error would come into play but it actually isn't any better or worst than a regular encyclopedia. Plus it has more info on companies, and on locations. Very useful, especially if your speaking to someone who knows another language. You could direct them to Wiki for a definition of what your talking about. Who knows, it could be helpful. Maybe one day, I will add something to that fr...
February 26, 2005 by pmgrady
Anybody moving to a new city? Well if you are, starting a new support network can be difficult if you don't know anybody. So what do you do when you are all alone in a new city; just moved? Start networking again! Found this to be interesting: Start with organizations to which you're already connected. Join your college alumni club, appropriate professional organization if there's a chapter in your new city, and get involved in a religious organization. Jeffrey Doinoff, the dire...
February 23, 2005 by pmgrady
Currently, there are hosting problems at joeKnowledge so my portfolio can not be seen. It will be up again soon.
February 14, 2005 by pmgrady
Welcome As part of joeKnowledge, I have my own web folder of internet favorite links. If you wish to see them, I can invite you! As explained here this is my online knowledge base where I gather news stories related to my interests. I am also the developer for joeKnowledge and I continue to work on it as a way to help other create their own personal research/information knowledge base and to create their own resume/portfolio of works. Here is my active resume/portf...
January 17, 2005 by pmgrady
My first blog on what will be a professional resume blog. Here I will show my personal business interests, links to resource sites I go to, the schools I am affilaited with I will be using this as a way to get work. This also will be my test user page for joeKnowledge of which is a news gathering site for people who are interested in technology, science, business and education. Art is also covered on the site as well. The real goal of joeKnowledge is to create a network of users who...
January 2, 2005 by pmgrady
My professional resume is up and running. Take a look: View my design works there. Eventually I will update my works to include White Papes I have written, scripting work I did with VB and C++ as well as work with HTML/CSS and Javascript My profesional links archive will be connected to the over all joeKnowledge Archive collection and to JTB Development blogs. In a sence I am the first beta user of the future JoeKnowledge Network of resumes, link archivi...
November 20, 2004 by pmgrady
Hopefully today I will be adding some stuff to mw own personal knowledge base. Once I join up with the development blog of joeKnowledge, I will be able to post there and here if I want. I am not sure what I will ad exactly to my own knowledge base since I already made on with joeKnowledge. I guess a few links here and there. maybe some work related private reasearch or something.   Not sure. Probably I'll put what I see on the net that I just find interesting tech product wise or tech...