My on-line portfolio and knowledge base contains my resume, links to work I have done and career interests like technology, the Internet, business, business law, human management, and Internet media
pmgrady's Articles In Welcome
January 17, 2005 by pmgrady
My first blog on what will be a professional resume blog. Here I will show my personal business interests, links to resource sites I go to, the schools I am affilaited with I will be using this as a way to get work. This also will be my test user page for joeKnowledge of which is a news gathering site for people who are interested in technology, science, business and education. Art is also covered on the site as well. The real goal of joeKnowledge is to create a network of users who...
February 14, 2005 by pmgrady
Welcome As part of joeKnowledge, I have my own web folder of internet favorite links. If you wish to see them, I can invite you! As explained here this is my online knowledge base where I gather news stories related to my interests. I am also the developer for joeKnowledge and I continue to work on it as a way to help other create their own personal research/information knowledge base and to create their own resume/portfolio of works. Here is my active resume/portf...
February 26, 2005 by pmgrady
Welcome As part of joeKnowledge, I have my own web folder of internet favorite links. If you wish to see them, I can invite you! As explained here this is my online knowledge base where I gather news stories related to my interests. I am also the developer for joeKnowledge and I continue to work on it as a way to help other create their own personal research/information knowledge base and to create their own resume/portfolio of works. Here is my active resume/portf...
February 23, 2005 by pmgrady
Currently, there are hosting problems at joeKnowledge so my portfolio can not be seen. It will be up again soon.