My on-line portfolio and knowledge base contains my resume, links to work I have done and career interests like technology, the Internet, business, business law, human management, and Internet media
What makes it even cooler is that people from all over the world edit the material. You would think that error would come into play but it actually isn't any better or worst than a regular encyclopedia.

Plus it has more info on companies, and on locations. Very useful, especially if your speaking to someone who knows another language. You could direct them to Wiki for a definition of what your talking about.

Who knows, it could be helpful. Maybe one day, I will add something to that free encyclopedia.

If you used FireFox web browser, you can get a plug in that will help define those words/places/things.

on Feb 26, 2005
Didn't Draginol just make a topic about this?
on Feb 26, 2005
*me thinks someone selected the forum button by accident*
on Feb 26, 2005
Again, I'll pop in a plug for SkinWiki- a free encyclopedia for skinning that ANYBODY can edit or contribute to.
on Feb 26, 2005
Yeah, I was thinking about that...

I think SkinWiki is a great idea...

Oh and if anyone ses this post end up being "nonexistant" it is because the original author took it out of the forums...